Four Powerful Ingredients To Launch You Into Excellence

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It’s amazing how many people will tell you there is a complex path to excellence and convolute the idea for you and twist it all up and then try to sell you something that is overinflated and fails to deliver on it’s promise. I have fallen for some of these products, and I know beyond a doubt that these four ingredients are what you need to start on a path to excellence.

These four ingredients are not complicated and with a little effort can become part of your every day life without much conscious thought. Yes, I mean they can become automatic. Do you remember when you were learning a new skill? Doesn’t matter what it is, do you remember a point where that skill became something you just did, without thinking. These four ingredients to excellence can do the same thing, become automatic. Ok, read on!

First Ingredient is Curiosity

Have you ever watched anything in the wild, whether it’s kids, or animals. They have a sense of curiosity about the world around them that is unrivaled by anyone! Everything fascinates them! This level of curiosity is what sparks invention. It sparks ideas, it sparks questions that need answering and can drive research!

Every idea that is out there started as a thought in someone’s head! They were curious about that thing and then it became an idea, which built into a plan, and became something that benefited society. Even E-mail marketing which is still king! started out as a curiosity that developed into an idea!

So first and foremost you must remain curious about the world around you. Be curious about culture, about technology, about the stars, about other people, about nature. The more curious you are the more your mind will find ideas that appeal to you, and could become the ONE thing you can change the world with!

Ingredient number two is Imagination

It may seem similar to curiosity but it really isn’t. What happens when one is curious, they develop the idea. Imagination is what drives the creation of that idea. What I mean to say is that once you have the idea you have to bring that idea into the real world and that is where imagination comes in.

Kids are the best to watch when it comes to imagination. Turning a stick into a sword, or a rock into a diamond or other treasure. They see the object they create in their mind’s eye, and the fact that it is just a stick or a rock is irrelevant. Do the same with your idea, dream big, imagine deeply, find a way to make it real! Imagination is what sets people apart. Those that can imagine big solutions, and ways to make them happen are the ones that make the big contributions and if I’m being honest, make the most money!

Imagination is a muscle in the brain like any other, so make sure you exercise it regularly. As you are being curious, and get an idea, use your imagination on how you would bring it into the real world, no matter how far fetched it may seem at the time. Remember, humans never could fly, until they could!

The Third Ingredient Is Determination

This one is pretty simple, but let’s talk about it anyway. Only those that are determined to complete something will complete it! If it is something that they are only half invested in, they will fail. They will get discouraged and they will give up. Determination, or grit, or tenacity are what drives the individual to accomplish great things.

I have a friend who runs ultra marathons, and she completes them no matter what. Meaning, even if her feet are wrecked, her shoes are falling off or worse, and she has to crawl over the finish line, she does it. She has the determination to complete that task.

When you set out to accomplish the idea born through curiosity and now in your imagination be ready for obstacles. Know ahead of time you will meet resistance on the path, and that is ok! Just set your mind and determine you will complete the task. That doesn’t mean you won’t fail, or have to change direction, but be sure you exhaust each path. Keep the end goal in mind. Even if the path has to change, don’t lose the goal born of that curiosity!

And Ingredient Number Four Courage

It takes courage to do something new, or something that no one has ever done! Believe it or not, you are courageous every day, usually without even knowing it! When you have a new idea, and you are developing a plan and taking action to create that idea you are being courageous. When you face adversity or people trying to stop you and you push past it, and keep going, that is courageous.

Courage is the ability to move forward despite fear! You have taken the time to be curious and use your imagination to come up with an idea, and you are determined to complete that plan. This is where the courage comes in. Don’t be afraid to just put yourself out there. It’s hard at first, but it does get easier. Also you will likely get haters when you do it, people that will take the time to troll your pages, or try to be mean to you. Don’t be angry at them, they deserve your empathy, because how sad is their life that they have to take time out of it to try and bring you down?

Quick Recap

To review, remember to stay curious, always be curious about the world around you. Always use your imagination to bring an idea into reality, and allow your courage and your determination to keep moving forward consistently.

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