Email Marketing, It’s A Means To Powerful Freedom

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Freedom In Email Marketing?

A lot of people talk about this freedom in email marketing. Although I also see a lot of people struggle to make even a dollar on line with email? How can some people find financial freedom and others struggle to make ends meet? What is it that causes this disparity?

The first thing that has to be considered, if you are going to be an email marketer, you need to be persistently consistent. Email marketing is like any other type of sales, with one massive difference! You do not get to be face to face with your client, so you can’t read body language, therefore YOU have to rely on persuasive language to get results.

Words Have power, using persuasive language in email marketing to give your client value and put them in a buying mood is vital

This presents an exciting and fun challenge! If you are going to get into email marketing, you will be tested regularly! Because email marketing has such a stigma attached to it, you are faced with low open rates, low click throughs and few sales when you start. This is where drive, determination and focus come in.

So Why Bother Then?

I am not telling you this to discourage you. Email marketing is a lucrative career and in my article, “Email Marketing, Legitimate Career Or Powerful Farce“, I write about the legitimacy of email marketing. You have to be prepared to be creative every day! You have to tell your story, get to know your readers, because you need to solve their problems!

Once you realize that the time it takes to get established is worth it, you are golden. If you are online trying to find a get rich quick idea, it’s not going to happen. I said what I said. YOU have to be trusted before anyone will purchase from you. However it doesn’t mean you won’t make money quickly!

Knowledge + Action = Success. So as you are reading, and hopefully taking notes, you are gaining knowledge. The next step is to take action! But you have to take the right actions! Action that builds your list. Your primary focus at the start is to get subscribers. People that want to hear from you!

Powerful Email Marketing Software Saves Time

If you want to email loads of people at the same time you are going to need some serious email marketing software. Email software gives you a place to build, and sort email lists. If you have the right software you can also build lead capture pages.

Lead capture pages are the golden egg in email. You need something that is related to your email niche, that gets your prospect intrigued. Your objective? Disturb and intrigue, because you have to stir up an emotion to get their attention.

But I digress. You need to find an email software that is well run and has a good reputation. The problem with some companies out there is that they allow spammy practices. These practices damage their reputation and deliverability. If you want to know what I use head over to Next Level NPN and learn about our Done For You program.

Proper Training In Email Marketing Accelerates Results

You have the best software out there. Get into the back office, and get to work. Wait? What do you mean you don’t know what to do? OH! That’s right, you are brand new, and you have never done this before! You will not get good at this in any proper time frame without email marketing training!

Success leaves clues, and lots of people are out here succeeding at email marketing! Therefore it is important to find these people, learn from them! Invest in yourself, so that you can have success. I can assure you there is plenty of room in the email marketing space, and email marketers are happy to mentor!

Be sure to do your research before you just follow any old email marketer. My mentor Geoff has been in email marketing over 20 years, is incredibly successful, and personable! The back office at Next Level NPN has over 100 hours of training all in bite sized portions! Your sponsors are always available to give you a hand, and no one gets left behind.

Work From Anywhere At Anytime

Here it is! You have established yourself, you have a list, you have built enough content to fill a yacht. Here is where it gets fun! Once you are making a regular income, you have bought back your time. Take your family, and your laptop, and do what makes you happy!

Email marketing will bring you freedom of time and building of experiences.

You will work from anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection. Once you know what to do, it’s a matter of repeat repeat repeat. The more times you build it, the more income you make. Reinvest, scale bigger. That’s what creates the powerful freedom of email marketing.

It’s Not About Making Money, It’s About Experiences

When people first start in email marketing they are asked, what is your why? Everyone, well almost everyone says, “to make MONEY!!” While that maybe true, it is a superficial why. What is it about the money that appeals to you? What will that money give you? At the end of the day money does NOT buy happiness, however, it does buy peace of mind!

Once you have peace of mind, you can then start to have experiences! Experiences are very subjective. They are the things that you would do if time or money were no object. Those are the bucket list goals. What I recommend is this exercise. Sit down with yourself or your spouse and create a 100 goal list. The 100 things you would do if time and money were no object.

Those become the experiences that you get to have once you have yourself established in email marketing! Those goals can be philanthropic, personal, simple, complex. These are the things you want to do. Helping people, enjoying life, building a family legacy.


What’s The Best Way To Start Email Marketing?

If you are reading this and you read this far, then it is obvious you have an interest in email marketing. So what is the best way to start? I would say head over to my article, “3 Ridiculous Tips To Pick A Profitable Niche“, and find a niche that makes sense to you.

Next I would head to Next Level NPN and grab the $1.00 trial at the Director level so you can see all the powerful training and features. Lastly, reach out to me as your sponsor and I’ll guide you step by step, via zoom or on the phone to get you started.

Hope you enjoyed this, like, comment and share my stuff with others! I want to help as many people as I can in this space! Stay tuned for a mini course I am developing about story based emails!

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