Email Marketing, Legitimate Career Or Powerful Farce

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Career Or Farce? My Thoughts

Since there has been email, there has been email marketing! This type of marketing is quite simply, sending emails to get a result. It doesn’t matter if your business is online, brick and mortar, pop up, gig based or any other type, everyone gathers emails now. So why do they do that?

If you have been paying attention you will see that every store you go into asks for your email address, and within a day or two, you will be getting emails from that business. Advertising sales, clubs, online specials, discount coupons and more. These businesses pay a lot of money to have those emails written. And they spend a lot of money sending them, and tracking the results.

If it is something that big businesses are doing, it only makes sense that people with online businesses would do it as well. I think this idea or stigma that email marketing is a scam is highly perpetrated by people who have a strong misconception of what it is. I can explain why though.

Being a person on several email lists, I also notice that I get a lot of unsolicited email. Email algorithms try to filter out the spam emails, and in my article, “Spam Filter, Simple Ethical Method To Smash Through It“, I talk about how the spam filter works. They are usually pretty good, but some businesses with less integrity use black hat methods to get past them. I can assure you it doesn’t help them, but it does hurt legitimate marketers and adds to the stigma.

Email Marketing Requires Legit Products

Something else that can add to the stigma of email marketing is people peddling garbage products that don’t actually do anything. These tools or software that make these grandiose promises and deliver very little. They are everywhere, and hurt this business. Legitimate products are out there, and those are what we should be selling.

Surprisingly I see very few people talking out right about this. It surprises me the people who do this for a living don’t speak out more. However, they are usually too busy trying to keep on top of the latest obstacle in marketing to chase down the idiots that add to the stigma.

The key for you in email marketing is to ensure that you research, test and prove those products you are going to sell. Otherwise you are going to end up with a dead email list. You will also be contributing to a problem that already requires a lot of work to fix.

You Need The Right Tools

Now that you know how to do email marketing properly what’s next? The next step is figuring out what tools you need! Tools for email marketing to be done right are necessary. They also cost money. There is no way around that, if you want to do email marketing properly, you will have to pay for the tools.

Email Marketing tools are the best option if you want to do email marketing
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When you are looking for your email tools, think about the things your are going to need. You will need a way to build capture pages. It will help if you have somewhere to store the emails you collect, and sort them. You are also going to need an autoresponder so that you can automate your responses.

Email marketing requires website hosting, as well as funnel building. If you start to get these tools individually you will be spending thousands of dollars! That is why I use the suite of tools over at Next Level NPN. This system has all of that and also provides traffic to your capture pages. Not only that, they have a few done for you funnels! The autoresponders are already set up and professionally written! You just have to send traffic.

Email Marketing IS Copywriting

When you start to get into email marketing you are going to notice something. It is a type of copywriting. In fact I would dare say it is even more difficult than regular copywriting because you need to make a personal connection with your lead.

A lot of people get scared of the word copywriting, but I can assure you, the more you practice the better you get at it. It’s really about having a conversation, or speaking conversationally, with a sprinkling of psychology. One of the biggest factors in copywriting is ensuring you have trust.

You Need To Have Integrity

How does a person build trust? Well the first thing is, don’t send unsolicited spam to your list. Second is to have integrity and ethics. The third thing is to be vulnerable with your list. Make sure they know that they matter to you. That you are looking out for their best interest.

Integrity comes from fulfilling the promise that you are making to them. If your capture page makes a big promise, make sure you fulfill it! In fact I would say you fulfill it and MORE! Always over deliver. I can’t stress that enough!

The reality is, that many companies and businesses provide garbage service because they have a big name. That practice is terrible, and is why it is important that you are different. You need to stand out from the crowd as the business that is doing more.

In Email Marketing YOU Will Be Tested

Keep in mind as you venture into this business the universe will test you. Is this something that you really want. Are you willing to fight through the obstacles? Things will be going well and then the bottom falls out. Will you be ready for that? Entrepreneurship is something that everyone should strive for, but it is not an easy road.

When the tests come it is ok to feel deflated, and it is ok to get upset. However, only be upset for a short time. Stand back up, dust yourself off and get back at it. Small steps, consistently every day and you will get there. Look for the people that support you, and keep them close. The ones that ridicule you or try to stop you, they are speaking from their own self limiting beliefs. Thank them for their opinion, but don’t listen to them. Stay on course, you will be successful if you stay consistent.

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Email Marketing Requires Self Belief

Before you embark on a career in email marketing know this! You have to believe in yourself! Know, without a doubt, that you can do this! You really can! It is not an overnight success journey, it takes time, it takes consistency, and it takes work.

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That is not to say that you won’t see results quickly, but they never seem to be fast enough. For that reason a lot of people quit and that is unfortunate. There is enough room in this type of business for everyone. Work on your own personal development and build your self belief! Email marketing is a legitimate business model as long as it is done consistently, ethically and with integrity.

Trust The Journey

Finally I just want to say, that there is a journey involved here. You are going to have twists and turns. There will be peaks and valleys. Wins will come, and along with those so will losses. You are going to have good days and bad days. You are going to feel invincible and you are going to feel like an imposter. These are all temporary and once you reach the top you will look back at an amazing journey undertaken. The victory will be far more than you could ever imagine.

Thanks for reading. Like, comment, share. I want to hear from you! Thanks for being here, and Stay Hungry!

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