How does one make money online
Well, if you want to make money in ten minutes, you might wanna try selling your blood, or household items. But if you wanna make money online, pay attention..
Online marketing comes down to one thing, and one thing only. Getting a list of hungry subscribers who want to buy what yer peddlin..
No List, no sales..
you might make a sale here or there using some Fakebook ads, or posts, but it won’t last. Unless you can commit to 2 to 3 posts of high value per day, plus reels, and stories, and you have to catch the algorithm in the right mood.. Insta and Tik Tok same thing. Gotta be up with the hype… which also puts you up with a gazillion other people sellin the same stuff…
Some Cold Hard Truth
If I’m being honest, you won’t make much right off the start, but if you are consistent, work hard, and build a list.. a targeted list that is looking to solve the pain that you have the solution for you can’t lose!
So to answer your question, the first thing you need to concentrate on is building a list. A real list, so how do you do that?
I’m really glad you asked, what you need to get yourself is a system where you can build what’s called a squeeze page, with an opt in form that puts that person on a list. That list will be attached to an email system called an autoresponder, and there you will have follow up emails that welcome them, qualify em a little more, and then you can peddle your product to them.
Some Real World Advice
If you are selling an affiliate product, be aware, do NOT copy and paste the email swipes they give you.. They are usually garbage, and are meant for a general outline of the benefits of the product.
Take that info and make your own emails. OH and don’t spout facts, people do not care about facts. They care about how the product solves the problem they have right now.
Focus the emails on that pain point that you are going to solve, be entertaining, be crass and polarizing. Stand out from the usual BS people get in their inbox. Once you have written the email you need to come up with a kick aS$ subject line that makes the reader open it.
Cuz, no opens, no reads, no sales. See how that works?
result, broke marketer…
Aright, so, let me recap..
get a system…
build a list,
gain that lists trust,
market to that list..
Wanna know how I do it, head to Next Level NPN and not only will you have a complete system under one roof, you will get access ta me! And I will teach you, my young padawan..
sound good?
yea it does 😉 Go click that link now..
Questions? Comment below and let me know!