WELCOME, to the END of The World, AN Eclipsing Event…

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So… the world didn’t end…

I don’t know how much social media’ing you do, but I doom scroll often due to my ADHD and analysis paralysis, which I call market research. Sue me, we all do it.. If I am not actively looking at creative things, I will never come up with things to create… if that makes sense. but I digress! Have you seen anything about the total solar eclipse which is sort of starting right now I as I write this. If the world ends, then it won’t matter, but if it doesn’t, welcome back and let’s get on with things shall we?

The world is a weird place:

And it has really gotten me thinking! I feel like we are always on the brink of falling off the edge.. As a Gen X’r it’s kinda where I have always lived.. on the edge. Not like of sanity.. (well maybe..) but like at any moment the world could end. It has seemingly always been dictated that we are on the brink of a world war, or a world disaster or an alien invasion or worse… the elites might stop making movies….

I just saw a news report from 1991 the other day talking about the world and how Generation X is going to have no hope for job prospects, make less money than their parents, not be able to afford to buy a house, and more…. if you think I’m recycling yesterday’s news…. well.. You’d be accurate! Cuz I have seen the same stories said about millennials, xennials, gen z AND even gen alpha…. (so I guess we are just starting over?)

Why does The World seem so Fucked…

My wife and I were talking about this, and it was like… Wait a second… is it? I mean yea there is a lot of misery out there, there are a ton of wars happening over tiny specks of land, and large volumes of resources and human beings are being killed for just living in the wrong damn place.. It sucks, it’s not fair, and quite honestly it seems there isn’t much we can do about it. Those events are so far beyond yours and I’s control that to obsess over it seems pointless and depressing. I would argue we have enough stuff to deal with on our own, inflation, high fuel prices, rent that is skyrocketing, housing becoming so unaffordable that banks are saying most new generations will have to hope they get a house from their parents when they die… seems pretty bleak don’t it!?

So what in the hell are you as an every day average jane or joe supposed to do? How do you make sure you can take care of you and your family, and donate to charities, and live the life you want to live? What direction are you supposed to go, how do you make more money? How do you worry less about the world and focus on your loved ones and the life you are building for yourself? How do we as a society find the way forward to make positive change in the world?

We have just past totality and The World is still here:

Well as I write this paragraph I have just watched the totality of the eclipse, live online, and it was beautiful. And guess what… the world didn’t end. We are still here and the world is still turning, and the internet is still working, and aliens didn’t show up to invade us… (I’ll admit that last one was a bit of a disappointment.) Getting back to the point at hand, I still wonder what you would like to see change in the world. Or even a better question, what would you like to see change in YOUR world. This blog is about marketing, online, digital, email and affiliate marketing. I am always progressing and evolving my way forward. (This translates into – failing forward).. What I mean to say to is, I am growing in my self and in my knowledge and expertise, and am slowly evolving into becoming a coach and mentor in the marketing world.

What does being a mentor mean to me? It means helping my clients in the world figure out their way forward. It doesn’t matter if you want to do email marketing, or if you want to do a brick and mortar business or if you just want to build a homestead and go off grid! These all require something in the person doing it. Something that has been missing from the world for quite a while! It is called self belief, or confidence, and ambition. I meet people every day who don’t have the ambition to strive for more. They got their career, and though they may make a decent living, they are unsatisfied, but they are not so unsatisfied that they want to strive for more. When I talk to these people, what I discover is that they lack belief. They lack the confidence in themselves to go after that dream that they have buried deep down inside them!

This type of lifestyle makes it hard for a person to be happy, EVEN if they have money! If you have a dream you need to go and chase it. You need to take time out of your day, each day and focus on that dream. Take time away from the world and just meditate on your dream. Speak it out loud to your family, to your friends, to yourself. Say it like you mean it and keep saying it til you believe it! In the wise words of Sir Anthony Hopkins, “BELIEVE IT, BELIEVE IT, BELIEVE IT, EVEN IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE IT, BELIEVE IT ANYWAY!” Google it if you don’t believe me…

What to do in the world now?

So… Now that the world hasn’t ended, I hope you will take some time to reflect on the dream inside you that you haven’t chased. If you are a follower of my blog and my FB page, then you are most likely looking for a way to make some money online am I right? One of the BEST ways to do that that I have found, is to create your own digital products! But there is the trouble of getting that product built, and then marketing that product and inevitably you will be forced with the terrible ordeal of purchasing traffic for your links. The digital products you can source other people’s from places like Clickbank, Digitstore24, JVZoo or, Warrior plus, and they are all great reputable places to get digital products at, BUT you will need two things. One, you will need a place to collect email addresses and set up autoresponders, build capture pages, and more! And two, you will need traffic for that site you build!

I have good news for you on both fronts! If you head over to NEXT LEVEL NPN right now, you can start a FREE trial for 15 days and see just how incredible our system of marketing tools is, not to mention you get mentoring from me, once you upgrade to paid status at the director level, at no extra cost, you will also be given my extremely responsive lead funnel to attract people to sign up for memberships under you at GLOBAL NPN so you can make a secondary income! ALSO! You can access my Ultimate HANDBOOK for Qualifying ANY source of traffic by CLICKING HERE! Available TODAY for only $10!

Now that we are set to continue on our merry way in the world, make sure you follow along, comment below and subscribe for updates! Please share this with people who would find it useful and people who might get a chuckle! Thank you again for all of your support! Til next time!

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